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Cyber Threats on E-Commerce

Cyber Threat is an attack by an individual or organization whose main intention is to steal confidential information, damage data, get access to a network illegally, or disturbed digital things in general.


Cyber Threats on E-commerce

While e-commerce is the activity of purchasing and selling things over the Internet. Simply they refer to online commercial transactions.

We know the current scenario of e-commerce websites, more than 60 to 70% of the market is occupied by e-commerce as e-commerce is growing rapidly threats to e-commerce also growing. E-commerce companies are making most of the profits or money from all over the world.


Where There is money there is a criminal and here our criminal is the hacker

Cyber Threats to E-commerce

There are many types of Cyber Threats to e-commerce but I want to focus your attention on some main types. Cyber attacks on e-commerce are harmful to both e-commerce platforms as well as Customers' accounts. Cyber attacks can happen accidentally or they can be done purposefully or they can cause because by human error.

1. Financial Fraud   

Here attackers get access to the personal information of customers, then they sell that information on the black market. Attackers can also use this credit cards information for illegal things.

2.  Phishing

Here fraudster sends harmful messages or emails with the goal of obtaining private information. These messages may contain logos, URLs, and other information that seems to be normal, later they'll ask customers to verify their accounts by logging in and then use the information to steal personal data.

3. Spamming

In an attempt to obtain personal information or to affect your website's performance attackers may send infected links in the comments or messages of your website, such as on blog posts or contact forms, infected links, etc. If you click on the links, they can take you to a spam website that exposes you to malware.

4. Malware

Malware are the programs such as spyware, viruses, trojan horses, and ransomware. Hackers install it on your computer system and spread it to customers and administrators, where it might steal sensitive data from systems or from websites.

5. Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks

Distributed denial of service attacks happens when your servers receive a huge amount of requests from various IP addresses that cause your server to crash. As a result, e-commerce stores won't be available to customers, which affects your sales.

. Man-in-the-middle attacks

 Man-in-the-middle attacks allow the hacker to listen to the communications of e-commerce website users. These users are tricked into using a public wireless network, enabling hackers to access their devices and see their browsing history. They can also access credit card information, passwords, and usernames.

7.SQL Injections

SQL injections are cyber-attacks with the intention to access your database by targeting your query submission forms. They inject malware code into the database, collect the data and then delete it later on.

8. IoT-Based Attacks

An IoT attack is a cyberattack that targets an Internet of Things (IoT) device or network. In this hackers control the device, steal data, or join a group of infected devices to create a botnet to launch DoS or DDoS attacks.

9. Trojan Horses

Admins and customers might have Trojan Horses already downloaded in their systems. It is one of the worst network security threats where attackers use these programs to steal sensitive information from their computers easily

10. Brute Force Attacks

These attacks target your online store’s admin platform in an attempt to get your password by brute force. It uses various programs that establish a connection to your website and use every possible combination to crack your password. To protect our system make a strong password and change it regularly. (after 1 or 2 months)

Today I presented you with only 10 attacks but there are also various attacks like DNS Tunneling, XSS, Fake return, refund fraud, Bad bots, etc. In the next article, I will provide you solutions to these attacks as well as my solutions


Considering cyber threat attacks on e-commerce are very important while creating or managing any e-commerce website you will also need experts that will provide security to your website.


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