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Solutions on Cyber Threats


Solutions to Cyber Threats

In the last article we already have seen Cyber threats on E-Commerce in this article we will see solutions to cyber threats on E-commerce. Here I will provide you my solutions also.

Maintaining security for E-commerce users is very important because any cyber threat can result in a huge loss for both users(accounts, stealing personal information) and the E-Commerce platform

There are many solutions to Cyber Threats but today I want to focus your attention on some main solutions 

Secure Website Architecture:

Use a secure web development framework and follow best practices in coding to minimize threats. Regularly update software, plugins, and CMS platforms.

SSL Encryption:

  1. Implement Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption to encrypt data transmitted between users and the website, which will protect sensitive information and lead to safe transactions

  2. Strong Authentication:

  3. Force users to do additional verification steps, such as a one-time password or biometric authentication, and to make a strong password.

  4. Regular Security Audits:

  5. Ask for help from experts to identify weaknesses in the website's infrastructure, code, and network.

  6. Data Protection and Privacy Policies:

  7. Develop strong data protection and privacy policies. Inform customers about data collection, usage, and storage practices, and take their feedback if necessary.

  8. Employee Training:

  9. Educate employees in cybersecurity, including phishing awareness, password management, social engineering attacks, etc.

  10. Fraud Detection and Prevention:

  11. Implement fraud detection systems that can identify suspicious activities and transactions. Use machine learning algorithms to enhance fraud detection accuracy.

  12. Regular Backups:

  13. If you do regular backups then even if a cyber threat occurs you will suffer from minimum loss

  14. Third-Party Security:

  15. Many websites depend on third-party platforms for transactions, payments, or for any other reason make sure that these platforms will provide good security

  16. Secure Payment Methods:

  17. Offer secure payment gateways and only use trusted and reputable payment providers that comply with industry standards.

  18. Monitoring and Incident Response:

  19. Build real-time monitoring systems to detect suspicious activities and promptly respond to cyber attacks, such as data breaches or unauthorized access attempts.

  20. Legal and Compliance Measures:

  21. Stay up-to-date with relevant laws and regulations related to e-commerce and cybersecurity and ensure compliance with these requirements.


1. If you get any link through messages or e-mails don't click on it control your curiosity about what must have in that link.

2. With a click and your whole data and money can be stolen in a second don't ever share OTPs from your mobile no matter what.

3. So Educate customers about safe online practices, such as avoiding clicking on suspicious links or sharing sensitive information.

4. E-Commerce platform owners must hold programs about awareness of cyber threats as many scams happen every day.


Cybersecurity is an ongoing process, and e-commerce platforms must continuously update and adapt their security measures to stay ahead of emerging threats.


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Writer =Gunjan Yogesh Bholane

Image Source- Photo by FLY:D on Unsplash

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